Lactation Consultant Jen Berryman.jpg

 What does a private lactation visit include?

An initial visit usually lasts about 90 minutes. The postpartum visit is geared towards families having breastfeeding challenges. At in-person visits, assessments include, but are not limited to:

  • a full assessment of the baby, including oral exam and suck assessment

  • a full evaluation of milk supply

  • feeding assessment, including assistance with latching

  • a weighted feed with a hospital grade scale

Each visit will conclude with a personalized plan to help you reach your breastfeeding goals.

Virtual visits do not include a suck assessment and weighted feed.

Will I have contact with the IBCLC after the visit? 

This will vary depending on your IBCLC. Brave Birth most often works with Ashley Treadwell of Cascadia Lactation. Each visit with Ashley includes a follow-up via phone or email within 48 hours of the visit. Beyond that time, quick questions that can be answered in an email or a 10 minute phone call, are provided at no additional cost. If the question is more involved, or new issues have arisen, she will often recommend a follow up visit to more fully assess what’s happening. Follow up visits are shorter and are priced at a lower amount.